Discount codes:
Discount codes can only be redeemed before completing the order. It is not possible to subsequently apply the discount to an order that has already been completed.
Discount codes that have a specific period of validity can only be redeemed during the period freely chosen by the seller; furthermore, the seller is not obliged to publish these periods.
Gift promotion:
In the case of gift promotions, customers receive additional physical products with their order for reasons determined by the seller and at periods determined by the seller.When exercising the right of withdrawal, the customer must return this bonus, unless he received the bonus through a minimum order value, in which case the right to return the bonus only exists if the minimum order value is not met due to withdrawal.
Please note that the minimum order value for a gift promotion refers to the amount you actually paid. If you enter a discount code that reduces the total amount of your order, the minimum order value for the gift promotion will be adjusted accordingly. If the amount of your order is less than the minimum order value for the gift promotion after applying the discount code, you will no longer be entitled to the bonus.